


How to Avoid Burning Holes In the Tent When Using the Tent Stove?

Sep 16, 2022

The stove used in the tent can heat the tent, but if it is not used properly, the tent will burn out holes.

Stove Jack
The tent is generally equipped with Stove Jakc, which has a high burning point. It can effectively prevent the stove pipe from burning the tent out of the hole.

Stove pipe

The stovepipe is at least 20-30cm higher than the peak of the tent. The taller pipe helps withdraw which leads to a better overall burn.

Combustion materials

You can use almost any wood for cooking or heating: firewood, firewood, grass, and can burn garbage. However, try not to use wood with tar, which will block the chimney and oven faster. Usually, when the temperature of creosote is not high enough at night, it precipitates at the bottom of the furnace, burns all the contents of the stove, and goes out through the chimney. To burn all the creosote, melting the stove several times a day is enough (just don't make it too hot). If you want to burn the stove at night, enlarge the wood and fill the remaining space with small wood until the stove is full. Open the stovepipe flap 1.8 inches (4.5 cm). You can also turn off the damper on the chimney completely.

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